Within IQUII’s offer, at the service of event organization, we have developed an ecosystem of products able to optimize processes, evolve the fan experience, offer business opportunities and simplify the management of stakeholder activities (artists, VIPs, staff, press&media, sponsors&partners).

Smooth and successful event management is key

Sports and entertainment have changed significantly in recent years and the challenges faced by all stakeholders have required a new approach.

In this context, getting back into the event experience has become a necessity for audiences and, for successful event management, it is essential to deploy excellent, fully integrated solutions to deliver a smooth and unparalleled experience for every attendee.

We help organizations achieve tangible financial returns by offering fully integrated solutions. To manage the entire stakeholder experience before, during and after the event.

TicketXP Platform

TicketXP has been designed to manage multi-channel sales with real-time updating of information, to ensure that the availability and differentiation of seats on the map are always consistent with the real situation, preventing any conflict in operations and monitoring the actual situation of occupancy status.

The Web Sales System can be integrated with CRM and marketing automation platforms. It allows to manage targeted communications in order to optimize the relationship with the buyer and consequently increase loyalty.




1 – System Management-Organizer

The System provides varying degrees of interface flexibility, allowing detailed management of all aspects involved in the ticketing organization of an event.


2 – Venue Management

The platform allows you to organize the facilities where the events will be hosted. It is possible to define the orders of seats and the rules that characterize them. Moreover, TicketXP allows you to manage parking lots and associated halls, in order to guarantee a correct influx and outflow of the public.

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3 – Events Management

The platform allows the creation and management of events, in every detail (dates, capacity, location). Each event can be associated with other entities created in the system. An integrated approach that allows you to organize the logistical aspects, revenues and occupancy also in compliance with current health protocols.


4 – Management of Access Cards and Tariffs

The platform guarantees the creation and management of the rates associated with each season/manifest/event, so that purchase/cancellation rules and the various prices to the public belonging to predefined clusters can be managed.
The price list can be created for each type of subscription or single event, as well as for each additional product/service offered.


5 – People access control

The access control system (EBAC) allows the Organizer to promptly identify an extra person, vehicle or service and validate it. The validation is done by reading the barcode, Qrcode, RFID that can be shown or displayed by the participants, also in digital format. Devices that can be enabled for reading include: smartphones, high-capacity mobile terminals, turnstiles, barrier-free gates.


6 – Managing subscriptions

The different types of subscriptions can be issued on traditional titles, in the “print at home” format and on non-traditional media, for example associated with personalized Cards provided they have a barcode, in compliance with current regulations.


7 – Taxation and management of access tickets

The system includes all the necessary functions to guarantee the correct taxation of the access tickets sold. The platform generates C1 and C2 models, including in this process the calculation of VAT and the share of free tickets.

check ticket

8 – Checks during Ticket Issue

As far as ticket issuing control is concerned, the system carries out all the necessary checks in order to guarantee compliance with the regulations on the sale of admission tickets (Secondary Ticketing and Football Regulations).


9 – Advanced Customer Experience

In an effort to allow the customer the best possible shopping experience, the system allows for several additional options.

These options are reflected in the system’s desire to:

  • Allow the choice of language to be used in the user interface;
    Support payment;
  • Allow the use of Coupons in conjunction with the chosen payment system;
  • Automatically select the “best seat” according to the “weight” assigned in the “Structure Management” section and notify the user when multiple selected seats are not contiguous;
  • Allow the user to view a graphical representation also in 3D (optional) of the visibility from the selected seat;
  • Support the management of the transfer of a title to any other media, even of a different type.
ticket point

10 – On-site Ticket Points

The Sales System provides numerous functions that are quick and easy to use.
The checkout stations are made up of workstations with access to the internet network and ticket issuance on thermal printers. Each workstation is logically identified on the central back-end and each operator is provided with a serial number and password in order to allow the unique identification in the system of any operation and of the operator/workstation that carried it out.

TicketXP is the solution to the management of spectator accreditation, supporting the organization in the management of tickets and accreditations.

Integrated with the Experience Platform, it offers a 360° event management, creating a unique, accurate and customized experience, scalable to any event size.

Explore the full potential of a new level of digital ticketing.

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Registered office: Viale dell'Esperanto 71 – 00144 Roma

VAT registration number 11289201003 - Cap.Soc. 10.000 €

Reg. Imprese di Roma REA n.1293642

Email: info@iquii.com

Roma - Milano - Bolzano

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